
The surgery room


I was about to take a sip of a much needed cup of tea at the hospital canteen when I received the call. It was my mother calling from outside the surgery room, asking me to come quickly as the Doctors were asking for me in the surgery room.

My wife had gone into surgery, after an extensive waiting period of almost 32hours, doubled up with excruciating pain at most times. I shut the call, and all I could think was to just run as fast as I humanly could to reach the surgical area, which seemed to be miles away, whereas it was just a floor up.

I flashed through the waiting room’s door and saw my mother gesturing anxiously to go inside the surgical area. My mind was rushing a million thoughts a second by then. I went inside the area, took off my shoes and wore the rough brown slippers to obey the protocol. I then waited edgily for any doctor or nurse to come meet me.

Realistically it must have been a minute later, but it seemed ages at that time, the nurse finally arrived. I could literally feel my knees go numb, my heart skip a beat, and I simply don’t remember if I was even breathing or not. The nurse came towards me, held up her hands and said,
“Here’s your daughter”.

Never had I seen a more beautiful, precious, and perfect baby girl. I’m sure that’s a feeling every parent must have had for their new born.

Wrapped tightly in a green cloth, her face white as snow with patches of cute redness, she looked straight at me with her big bulging dark eyes. “Hello my baby”, I said while I held her small, soft, delicate fingers. That moment has been etched in memory, the moment I saw an angel on earth.

The nurse interrupted the precious moment and suggested I take the pics quickly so that she can take her back inside. Out came the smartphone and almost a dozen clicks to show the grandparents, aunts, and uncles, waiting outside for the most important news that an angel of theirs just came into this world.

The nurse smiled and took my baby girl back inside. “Keep her safe”, I pleaded. “How’s the mother?” I asked the nurse. “She is fine, and will be brought out shortly.” My wife had been amazing throughout the long ordeal.

“Here’s your granddaughter”, I said while showing the pics to the angel’s grandparents. No words can ever explain exactly the feeling you get when your child is born, or even your child’s child.

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An epistle to my first born

I am a father, wow, would not have imagined it actually happening. You are the most precious part of me. I usually say to you, “you’re a piece of my heart……. no no, you ARE my heart”.

We, your parents, selected your name “Zaarae”, which means “a cultivator”, and we’re certain you will be the “cultivator of harmony, love, and compassion”. You have already brought immense harmony between most of us.

My princess Zaarae, always stay confident, be fearless, be brave, remain humble, and believe you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Make sure whatever you do is for the betterment of yourself and humanity.

I have so much to talk to you about, and I hope you and I become the best of friends. Remember, I will always be your number 1 supporter.

My dear Zaarae, with your ultra-energetic presence, you have uplifted my inner being to a whole new level of glee.

With unconditional and eternal love,
Your Daddy.


  • Nazia Zahid
    at 7 years ago

    Aww happy tears!!

  • Shad Quraeshi
    at 7 years ago

    Allah swt humari baiti ko apnay hifz o amaan may rakhay aur khushian ata farmaye. Aameen.

  • Samarin Salman
    at 7 years ago

    Aww !!Thats a very honest description of your sentiments.A good read!

  • Rabia Shahnawaz
    at 7 years ago

    Wow beautiful….May Allah bless zaarae with immense happiness,health & long life Ameen.

  • Ahsan Ali
    at 7 years ago

    Congratulations Umair! Adorable and beautiful. Glad to hear both mom and baby are well. Salaam to all❤️

  • Zahid Hussain
    at 7 years ago

    May God bless my princess Zaarae my all prayers with her.

  • Sameer Tariq
    at 7 years ago

    awesome write up bro…and yes…nothing can ever beat that feeling

  • Farrukh Shad
    at 7 years ago

    super stuff Umair Quraeshi, well done dude

  • The surgery room part 2 – Umair Quraeshi
    at 7 years ago

    […] born. If you haven’t gone through the first part of this escapade, I suggest you read it first here, because this post is The Surgery Room part 2 and is devoted to the person who had to actually bear […]


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